Determining if a fundraiser is trustworthy
Gohelpme offers all the users out there a great platform for fundraising. Our team of experts works tirelessly to ensure a smooth funds process raised on our platform only as stated in the fundraiser story and that all donations are sent timely to the right person.
Below are some guidelines and questions you can use to determine a fundraiser's legitimacy:
Read the fundraiser:
The fundraiser page should answer the following:
- The fundraiser story should explain how the organizer is connected to the recipient. Are they directly impacted, or fundraising for someone else?
- The story should detail exactly how the money will be used. This could include medical bills, rent assistance, repairs, or program expenses.
- Seeing friends and family contributing to the cause builds trust. Look for well wishes and donations from people close to the organizer.
- If the recipient isn't managing the funds directly, the story should explain how the money will safely reach them.
If any of these are missing on the fundraiser, we foster you to message the organizer by clicking “Contact” next to their name to ask for more information.
You may be wondering what it means when a Gohelpme has surpassed its goal but is still accepting donations:
This likely means the fundraiser is reaching a wider audience than anticipated. They might not be aware that they can increase their goal amount directly through their Gohelpme dashboard. Just because a fundraiser keeps the initial goal amount doesn't necessarily indicate misuse. Some organizers may prefer to celebrate reaching their initial target, even if they receive additional support.
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