Success Stories

Cherish the incredible impact your contributions and support have made. Every donation counts, and behind each donation, there is a story of hope and lives changed for a better future. Get inspired by Gohelpme success stories and launch your fundraiser today!

Story 1

Safina had a dream to pursue her studies, but due to limited resources and lack of support, she often felt hopeless. Despite all these challenges, she didn’t give up and one day she discovered a website where people could easily ask for help to make their dreams come true. She shared her story and gathered sufficient funds for her studies. People liked her story and wanted to help her dream come true. People from all around the globe helped her go to college. Safina was happy to make it to college finally and showed everyone that you can achieve anything if you work hard for it and never give up.

Story 2

Cancer is a daunting disease, taking a devastating toll on both mental and physical well-being. Thousands of people are battling it and facing immense financial issues. Shaukat Khanum, one of the renowned and trusted organizations, is dedicated to helping those affected by cancer. Through our platform, Shaukat Khanum has successfully raised funds and saved lives. By partnering with them, we are utterly proud to contribute to their mission of overcoming cancer.

Story 3

A natural disaster in a village devastated lives and left many people homeless. These families urgently needed funds for food and shelter. With the help of Gohelpme, they were able to share their stories and raise money to feed their loved ones and find places to live. Gohelpme has been a great source of help for them and we are happy that they are not facing any difficulty now. Tell your story now and start fundraising today.

Crowdfunding Lessons

Discover how to create a compelling story, connect with the targeted audience, and enhance your fundraising potential. Be the next gamechanger and have your own success story